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About Us

We are a political subdivision of New York State and are contracted with Lewis County.

The Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District is here to assist the landowners and municipalities of Lewis County with natural resource concerns, aid in reducing erosion and protecting water quality.



The mission of the Lewis County Soil and Water Conservation District is to support a comprehensive natural resource program for county residents and landowners by implementing projects and programs that will preserve, protect and enhance the wise use of the county’s soil, water and related resources.


The Lewis County Soil and Water Conservation District was established on January 8, 1946.

Initially, the District's purpose was to improve and increase the amount of land in agricultural production. Over time, the District changed its focus to an emphasis on drainage and water management. It wasn't until 1977 that the first District Technician was hired.

As the District has grown, its programs and services have as well. We now offer a variety of services including Annual Programs and Educational Events. Although each of the 58 Soil and Water Conservation Districts in New York State are slightly tailored to their own County’s needs, we all work diligently to implement the NYS Soil and Water Conservation Committee’s Mission Statement.

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